The Committee
Chairman - Malcolm Hockett
Secretary and Journal Editor - Lynsay Scott
Treasurer and Membership Registrar - Julian Smith
Merchandise Manager - Mrs Fiona Parker
Siteminder and Social Media Manager - Matt Wilkins
(as amended and approved at the EGM on 11 February 2024)
1. The Association shall be known as the Snapdragon, Mirage and Invader Association. The insignia to be a dragon motif for Snapdragon classes and twin or triple peaks for Mirage and Invader classes.
2. The objects shall be to actively promote the association of Members both ashore and afloat to exchange ideas and stimulate discussion on sailing, design, construction, fittings and equipment of Snapdragon, Mirage and Invader class yachts and to provide when needed without thought of reward or gain, assistance and aid to others of the sailing fraternity and all seafarers.
3. (a) Membership shall be open to all past and present owners of Snapdragon, Mirage, and Invader class yachts. Membership is also available to other boat owners and social members interested in the activities of the Association
(b) All Applicants shall pay a joining fee and one years annual subscription save that if they become Members on or after the 31 January, they shall not be liable to pay the subscription until 1 May. All Applicants and Members in the UK shall be required to complete and maintain a bankers standing order to provide for payment of the annual subscription. The fees and subscriptions shall be the sums decided by the Committee. Overseas Members or Applicants who make payment in other than sterling are required to pay 25% extra to cover exchange losses or other costs.
(c) Honorary Members may be elected in General Meeting on being proposed and seconded by full Members of the Association.
(d) Members retiring from the Association should notify the Treasurer of their intentions and confirm cancellation of any standing order.
4. (a) Other than Honorary Membership there shall be no election required for new Members.
(b) All Members implicitly undertake to comply with the rules. Refusal to do so or display behavior which, in the opinion of the Committee, is injurious to the Association shall render that individual liable to expulsion, always providing that before taking such action the committee afford the Member every reasonable opportunity to explain his or her conduct.
5. A vote on a resolution to expel a Member shall be by a ballot of the Committee and only enforced if a two thirds majority declare in favour of the resolution.
6. The Committee of the Association may comprise a Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer, Website and Social Media manager, a Journal Editor, Merchandise Manager and, in addition other members to bring the total to twelve. The Committee shall be elected at a General Meeting and hold office until retirement or the conclusion of the next General Meeting. If not all of the twelve members of the Committee are appointed at that General Meeting the remainder can, if and when required be made up by the Committee appointing full members to fill the remaining vacancies. Three Committee Members shall form a quorum at meetings be they in person, by email or held in any manner the Committee may agree. All retiring members shall be eligible for re-election. Each Member of the Committee shall have one vote in the case of equality of votes the Chairperson shall have a second and casting vote.
7. Candidates for election shall be Members of the retiring Committee who offer themselves for re-election and any full Member of the Association duly proposed and seconded.
8. If the number of candidates eligible exceeds the available vacancies the election of the Committee shall be by ballot. Should a vacancy occur at any time for whatever reason the Committee shall seek to and
co-opt a member to fill the vacancy until the next General Meeting.
9. The Committee shall conduct the affairs of the Association according to the rules and have due regard to the wishes of Members properly brought to their notice through the Secretary.
10. It shall be the responsibility of the Treasurer to manage the Association funds and keep an accurate account of finances. The Treasurer may allocate to members sums of money to cover expenses arising from organising activities and Association functions while remaining accountable for overall expenditure. Committee and other Members accepting money for running events, printing, etc., shall be wholly responsible for the proper use of the monies allocated and for providing the Treasurer with an account of total expenditure on completion of the exercise.
11. An Auditor who need not be a Member of the Association shall be appointed each year by the Treasurer. It shall be the duty of the Auditor to examine the accounts for the current year and complete the audit in time to enable the Treasurer to prepare a final statement of accounts for presentation to the Membership. For this purpose, the Association financial year shall close on the last day of September.
12. The subscription year shall commence on the First day of May.
13(a) A General Meeting shall be held on a date, being fixed by the Chairperson in consultation with the Committee, when requested by at least five members. The Secretary is to ensure Members receive at least ten (10) days notice of a General Meeting. At any General Meeting six full members shall constitute a quorum. At this meeting the only matters to be dealt with will be reports by Officers, any business specified in the notice convening the meeting and any matters raised by a member and notified to the Secretary at least five days prior to the meeting.
(b) The Committee may on giving at least ten (10) days notice, convene an Extraordinary General Meeting of Members for specific business the nature of which shall be stated in the notice convening the meeting, other than that business specified in the notice is not permitted to be dealt with at an Extraordinary General Meeting of Association Members.
(d) At any General Meeting of the Association each full Member shall have one vote. Honorary Members may attend and participate in discussion at the Annual General Meeting but shall not be entitled to vote on Association affairs
(e) In the case of an equality of votes the Chairperson shall have a second casting vote.
NEW RULES (Including amendments)
14. Any Member wishing to introduce a new Rule or offer an amendment to the existing Rules is to give notice of intent through the Secretary (together with full details of the proposal) supported by at least four other members who shall place the matter before the Committee for consideration at the earliest opportunity. The Committee will then decide whether to convene a General Meeting or an Extraordinary General Meeting.
15. The Committee shall make such Rules as are deemed necessary for the effective administration of the Association. New Rules and any amendment to current Rules considered at the General Meeting shall be carried only if a majority of two thirds of those present declare in favour.
16. If at any General Meeting or Extraordinary General Meeting a resolution for the dissolution of the Association is proposed by the Committee and included in the notice of such meeting such resolution shall only be passed if two thirds of those present declare in favour. In that event unless those attending decide otherwise the funds held by the Treasurer after deducting any expenses incurred including of so doing, shall pay the balance to the RNLI as a donation from the Association